Whether sifting through sand, or scrambling over a rocky shore, it's about finding treasures in every day. 

How Photographers Effect Wildlife. Part 1, Deer

The very act of observing something changes it, and wildlife is no exception. Take deer for example. This is a tender time for them. The does are having babies, the bucks are growing antlers, and everybody is shedding.

So here's terrified embarrassment:

"NO-o-o!! Nobody can see me like this!"

Boys can be so sensitive, and photographers can be so cruel.

Does have lots of responses. Like the butt shot:

"Hah! Silly photographer will go away if I just give her a butt shot. If that doesn't work then Grandma Doe up the road will kick her into next week."

Yep. I left the scene.

Next a doe responded to my presence with illogical avoidance:

"If I hide behind myself then you can't see me."

Hopeful distraction:

"Look! What is that over there?"

And the direct approach:

"Go away! You can come back in a couple months when I've shed out!"

I think that I really crossed the line. Does don't yell very often.

Then there is disgusted resignation:

"It's not bad enough that I'm shedding, you just have to take a picture when I'm also ankle deep in slime? No respect. Well, I guess I best just get on with it, and you, stupid photographer, can just prove that you're shameless."

Gosh, should I have held back on publishing this photo?

And finally there's quiet self-restraint:

Aw-w, so sweet. Babies can be so wise. This silent baby was left untouched. Human scent can cause a doe to reject her fawn. I used a long lens so that I didn't have to get too close and only stayed a few moments. Mama Doe is out foraging and will be back soon.

Next: Bears.

Wishing you fun observations each day,

Alaska Beachcomber

More lighthearted posts with Southeast Alaska deer:

Deer Moms Embarrass Their Kids, Too

Doe in the Headlights

And lots of animal posts: Alaskan Critters Menu